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20 items found for "puja kapai"
- Puja Kapai presents at HK Forward Alliance
WSRC Convener Puja Kapai presented at a public forum organized by HK Forward Alliance on peace-building Puja presented on the importance of diversity in dialogue building, especially with ethnic minority communities Puja also moderated a panel with Clem McCartney, a renowned conflict resolution specialist.
- Puja Kapai at the UN Forum on Minority Issues 2019
WSRC Convenor Puja Kapai was invited by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Minority Rights, Dr Elimination of Racial Discrimination and Astrid Thors, former OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Puja Puja highlighted research-based data which demonstrates the indispensability of drawing on an intersectional “We cannot fix what we cannot see,” reiterated Puja in her concluding remarks, urging that such an intersectional Puja’s speech can be viewed on UN Web TV.
- Puja Kapai on 'Everyday Racism'
WSRC Convenor Puja Kapai spoke on RTHK Radio 3’s Backchat yesterday on everyday racism, the obstacles
- Puja Kapai and Staci Ford on RTHK's Agender Cafe to Discuss the 'Karen' Phenomenon
WSRC Convenor Puja Kapai and Board Member Staci Ford were guests on RTHK's Agender Cafe podcast to discuss
- Puja Kapai: 'Pathways to Gender Justice'
Our Convenor Puja Kapai was invited to deliver a special keynote address by Plan International India In her keynote address, ‘Pathways to Gender Justice: A Critical Intersectional Framework’, Puja discussed
- Puja Kapai on #MeToo in China and the US
WSRC’s Convenor Puja Kapai was on RTHK’s The Pulse with Leta Hong Fincher talking about the #MeToo movement Watch Puja below:
- Puja Kapai Launches '#HONGKONGER' Report
Convenor Puja Kapai launched her new report ‘#HONGKONGER’ in collaboration with the Zubin Foundation
- Puja Kapai: '#MeToo in Asia, Breaking Down Barriers'
WSRC Convenor Puja Kapai’s article ‘#MeToo In Asia: Breaking down barriers’ appears in the April 2019
- Puja Kapai speaks at United Nations Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Hate Speech, Social Media
WSRC Convener Puja Kapai spoke at a United Nations Conference on Hate Speech, Social Media, and Minority Puja spoke on the international legal and institutional frameworks to combat hate speech online, citing Watch Puja speak below (timestamp 3:52:33 - 3:55:03).
- Puja Kapai speaks to Hong Kong news media about recent COVID outbreak in ethnic minority communities
WSRC Convener Puja Kapai spoke to various news outlets about the recent COVID-19 outbreak in the Yau Puja was asked to comment on the reports of discrimination and racism coming out of the government’s Puja has also engaged with community outreach work and government advising in order to improve anti-epidemic Read Puja's comments here:
- Puja Kapai: 'Speaking Up for Women and Ethnic Minorities'
Our Convenor Puja Kapai received the Faculty of Law’s Knowledge Exchange (KE) Award last year for her
- Puja Kapai: 'Sexual Assault Acquittal Undermines Victims' Confidence
WSRC’s Convenor and associate professor of law Puja Kapai spoke on RTHK Radio 3’s Newswrap about the