Dreams of Pakistani Children​
Author: Puja Kapai, Ravina Lalwani
Title: Dreams of Pakistani Children: In-depth conversations with 22 girls and 3 boys
Publication venue: Report, in collaboration with The Zubin Foundation, funded by Plan International Hong Kong, supported by the Centre for Comparative and Public Law
Date: February 2019
As the research findings show, practices, expectations and experiences of a sample of Pakistani girls in Hong Kong is indicative of challenges to their equal right to education, their developmental rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the realization of their full potential towards a life they aspire to lead. The findings confirm that early engagement is seen as prevalent among Pakistani girls in Hong Kong. This sets them on course towards a trajectory where they are expected to abandon their dreams to study or work in later years of their life and work towards the fulfillment of their family’s expectations for their marriage and building a suitable home life.
The research findings provide detailed insights into the different contexts and factors which constrain the dreams and aspirations of Pakistani girls in Hong Kong at different stages of their lives. In particular, it highlights key areas for support and the provision of opportunities and incentives for all related Hong Kong stakeholders to address the gendered impact of the operative norms and structures on Pakistani girls, with the hope of identifying a multi-disciplinary approach to enhancing the prospects for equality of access to education and other forms of empowerment of Pakistani girls’.

Research Impact
The findings of the study were presented to the Secretary for Labour and Welfare and has served as the basis for discussion with relevant stakeholders at the initial launch.